+91 9958959008  


Troubleshooting Hand Control Issues.

Check the serial port of the system.
Check the USB port of the system.
Check the power adapter for serial hand controller.

Troubleshooting Foot Control Issues.

Check the serial port of the system.
Check the USB port of the system.
Check the power adapter for serial foot controller.

I am running Samvad from my laptop and teleprompting is happening on my in-built screen.

Check the dual display card.
Write click on the system and then go to properties and then go to setting and check dual display settings.
Set your primary monitor and enable the second monitor as extended.

Desk Control Issue

Go to the hand/foot control form, Select the Other Setting Options then Un-checked & Checked the Shuttle Control Box. Close the form and check if the desk control is working or not.
Check the wire connections.
Detailed description is given in help file too to tackle this issue.
If above mentioned didn’t work contact support.

Android Control Issue

Check Wi-Fi connections in Samvad Software System and Android controller, they need be to be connected with same network.
Detailed description is given in help file too to tackle this issue.

Display related problems

-Attach the secondary monitor or Teleprompter with the system.
-Go to screen resolution setting of the system
-Then click on the Detect button of the screen resolution window
-Then click on Identify button to identify the Teleprompter screen and primary screen (The system on which the Samvad Software is installed should always be the main screen)
-If you have changed display settings, kindly re-start the software.

Font Type Issue

-Various types of font are supported and if any font-type that is not supported, then that font –type need to install or if the font you are trying is not working then contact us, we’ll try to provide you better solutions for it

How to install the software again if the system is formatted?

If the system is formatted, again repeat the same process i.e; insert the dongle and install the software again and install drivers from the provided Samvad CD.